The Blue Line

Rattling on about the 2004 election

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Alan Keyes is completely insane

From my friend Trilbe:

I spent this evening doing some research on the Illinois' new Republican US Senate Candidate, Alan Keyes. And, let me tell you, I read some real GEMS online. Like, about how Alan Keyes had to resign from his foreign service post with the Reagan Administration because his colleagues felt that he was too outspokenly SUPPORTIVE of Apartheid in South Africa. Dude, what!?! When the REAGAN ADMINISTRATION thinks you're being too supportive of Apartheid in South Africa at that point you, seriously, do not like Black people! I mean, how is that even possible?
Apparently, there's this whole "gay conspiracy" out there. And they have a big, gay plan to take over the world! And hate crimes laws are all part of their sneaky plan to make people be nice to homosexuals. Why haven't my gay friends told me about this clever scheme? I, for one, would like to help them! - T

Alan Keyes, WorldNetDaily "The trouble with ‘hate crimes’" Oct 16, 1998
"The whole push with respect to hate crimes legislation is an effort to create a body of law that allows the government to coerce opinions, and to punish people because of their opinions. In this particular case, the opinion that is going to be punished is the opinion that homosexuality is immoral and against the laws of God. That opinion is now going to become a crime. And this whole push with respect to hate crimes is an effort to establish that agenda. "

Forget about expensive drugs, plentiful medical facilities and widely available condoms. The only thing preventing the United States from being as crippled by AIDS, as is the continent of Africa, is "the moral education of our children." - T

From Christopher A. Szechenyi, Boston Globe Jul 25, 2000 :
Keyes blasted as immoral a Massachusetts education program that teaches tolerance for homosexuality. [But] Keyes declared that he does not harbor ill will toward gays and lesbians.

"I am not standing here today because I hate anyone," Keyes said. "I am standing here today because of the most fundamental love society depends on -- the love of parents for their children."

Keyes went on to invoke the Constitution and his own Christian religious beliefs to condemn state-sponsored programs such as the Safe Schools [program, in which teachers] spoke graphically with students about a variety of sex-related issues.

Keyes warned the crowd, which interrupted him several times with loud applause, about how AIDS is sweeping Africa and could do so here -- if the state continues to interfere in what he called "the moral education of our children."

Oh, speaking of the AIDS crisis and Africa, we should just let them all die. Alan says that the disease is incurable and that money does not equal compassion. You should realize that! - T

Alan Keyes, GOP Debate in Michigan Jan 10, 2000:
Q: Should we appropriate $300 million out of the surplus to help fight AIDS in Africa?
Alan: The premise of your question [is that we] measure compassion is by how much money we’re going to throw at some problem, regardless of whether the problem is susceptible to being dealt with by all the money. After all, asking whether we should spend $300 million to cure an incurable disease is kind of an academic point, and you should realize that.

Oh, NOW I see why we should let them die. This next quote explains his point a bit better. They have a disease because they're evil. This so-called "medical crisis" they're having is all just a result of their sick, evil ways. In this case then, instead of just passively letting them die, when the army is done in Iraq maybe we should invade disease-stricken Africa and just kill them all. - T

Alan Keyes, GOP Debate in Michigan Jan 10, 2000
On spending US funds to fight AIDS:
"The spread of that disease is rooted in what? Is rooted in a moral crisis. Is rooted in a pattern of behavior that spreads that death because of a kind of licentiousness, right here in our own country and around the world. This whole discussion is based on a premise that reveals the corruption of our thought. Money cannot solve every problem. Sometimes we need to look at the moral root of that problem and have the guts to deal with it."

Time to change the topic. I think he's saying here that gay people go to bed gay and then wake up straight, or vice versa. In the second paragraph, actually, I think he's saying that gay people go to bed gay and wake up pedophiles. I like this quote, though, because he lets us inside the Mind of Alan Keyes. He tells us how he goes to bed Black and then wakes up still Black in the morning. This may be significant because, judging by his stance on Apartheid, he prays and prays all night to wake up white. Alas, poor Alan, it hasn't worked yet. - T

Alan Keyes, Our Character, Our Future, p. 18-9 May 2, 1996
"People tell us that for purposes of discrimination, sexual orientation--or, more accurately, sexual behavior--must be treated like race. Is that at all legitimate? When I got up this morning I was a black guy. When I go to bed tonight, I will still be a black guy. If we are going to say that sexual orientation is to be treated like race, then we’re saying that sexual orientation--read, behavior--is like race, a condition beyond the individual’s control.

"If we accept this kind of reasoning, why should we expect to draw the line at sexual passion? If we’re going to have special legal protections for homosexuals, shouldn’t everybody else’s uncontrollable sexual orientations be protected? Shouldn’t adulterers, pedophiles, rapists, and other sorts of sexual aberrants be eligible for the same benefits? If we were to accept this convoluted logic we would be left with the concept of a human person which accepts strict external regimentation: we are basically people out of control."

According to Alan, our "true heritage" as Black Americans is slavery not Africa. Oh, I see. Oppressive, slave-owning psychos are at the root of our heritage and our identity as Black Americans. Well, that makes sense. How ridiculous of me to think that our group identity would come from within the group! I would email this to may dad, but I think he would actually have a heart attack if he read statements from a Black guy saying this. As an added bonus Alan also points out that the only reason that Black people are interested in Africa is because we're all ashamed of slavery. - T

Alan Keyes, Our Character, Our Future, p. 41 May 2, 1996
"Too many black Americans look to Africa to find a basis for their identity because they cannot find it in themselves to claim their true heritage with pride. They are ashamed of their slave ancestry, all the ordinary folk who simply lived as best they could under the yoke. They apparently haven’t yet realized that the survival of black people in America, through slavery, racist assaults, and economic deprivation, is one of the greatest sagas of the human spirit the world has ever seen.

When will we stop looking for glorious empires along the Niger or the Nile, and begin to truly appreciate the more lasting monument of values, endurance, and faith that black Americans built along the Potomac and the Mississippi? That moral legacy, not race or skin color or any other material thing, is the strong foundation of the black American identity. Isn’t it time we began to reclaim and build upon it?"

Alls I'm saying is that you have to be pretty bad to make me like George W. Bush more than I like you. Especially since I'm a Catholic who is pretty sure that W is the anti-Christ. But the following exchange actually makes me think that George W. Bush is slightly less of a jackass than Alan Keyes. - T

GOP Debate in Johnston, Iowa Jan 16, 2000
KEYES [to Bush]: [A Texas town] passed an ordinance saying that all business is to be conducted in the Spanish language. A lot of us look at that sort of thing as an assault on our linguistic unity that is dangerous to the future union of this country. What action do you plan to take to show the people that you stand for one nation, one language rather than a nation linguistically divided?
BUSH: No es la verdad.
KEYES: Es la verdad, senor.
BUSH: One, I expressed concern about it--I don’t want this town’s business being conducted in Spanish, it ought to be conducted in English. Secondly, I’ve talked to [Texas’] attorney general to make sure that this town was conforming to all the laws of Texas. I’m for what’s called English Plus. English is the great language that provides freedom and opportunity. Plus we respect other people’s heritage in this country.

Maybe his Senate campaign slogan should be, "Alan Keyes: He likes to scare little children." Dude, this psycho just goes into a fifth grade class and tells them that their government wants to "bash their heads against the floor"? What an ODD choice for US Senate candidate, don't you think? - T

Boston Globe, p. A27 Jan 28, 2000
[Keyes offered] a civics lesson to fifth graders at a NH school today. "If I were to lose my mind right now and pick one of you up and bash your head against the floor and kill you, would that be right?"
A chorus of "No."
"It’s wrong to kill children, isn’t it? At what age is it right to kill children? Think it was OK to kill you when you were 6?," Keyes asked one child. The child shook his head no.
"Think it was OK to kill you when you were 6 months? You sure? Because we live in a country right now where according to some of our courts and some of our politicians, it is OK," Keyes said.
"Our rights come from God. We human beings don’t have the right to take away that right from any human being, including the human beings who haven’t quite got here yet. Because we have denied freedom to children in the womb who haven’t yet gotten to this world, freedom will be denied to you and to your brothers and sisters and to your children."

I like this one for a couple of reasons. First of all, I love that he thinks that seeing porn on the internet can "destroy our children's lives and souls." I mean, if seeing some naked boobs is THAT dangerous to our youth, maybe we out to look into passing some legislation against breast feeding. I also like the fact that he proudly states that his children do not have the right to freedom of speech. I imagine that's to prevent them from saying something like, "My dad is a freakin' nutjob." - T

Alan Keyes, GOP Debate in Michigan Jan 10, 2000
Q: In free-speech terms, do people have the right under the First Amendment [to view anything on the Internet, or] should they be kept from that right on these computers?
Alan: I don’t think it’s a free speech issue. It’s an issue of public decency. Anyplace you let our children into ought to be subject to standards of public decency that make it clear that they are not going to be polluted with garbage. Don’t use the First Amendment as some excuse to destroy our children’s lives and souls. It doesn’t have to be -- it’d be easy as pie to put a few computers off in a room you don’t let children in and let adults have access to them? You can solve the problems if you want to. The libraries right now are egregiously ignoring their responsibility to our kids, trying to claim free speech rights. I’ve got to tell you something. My kids don’t have the right to free speech. And they don’t need to have it until they grow older.

This quote, on the surface, isn't really all that bad. Except that you and I both know that he means, "We need more white people moving into the US, from acceptable countries, and fewer damn Mexicans." - T

Alan Keyes, 1996 National Political Awareness Test, Project Vote Smart Jul 2, 1996
"Legal immigration should be maintained or expanded; illegal immigration should be curtailed. No national identity card."

He thinks that the reason we have violence in schools is because we have sex-ed programs teaching children to use condoms. He thinks that instead of that dangerous practice, we should have programs in the high schools that will, instead, teach kids something safe and wholesome, like how to use GUNS. I will admit that the kids do seem to have a problem with accuracy. Those boys at Columbine really shot the place up, but they only killed, what, a couple dozen other kids. Alan Keyes program could help correct that. With the proper training those kids could, maybe, have taken out a whole grade level! - T

Alan Keyes, Our Character, Our Future, p. 33-5 May 2, 1996
"The problem [causing crime and violence] is control all right, but it’s self-control not gun control. External violence is the symptom and consequence of internal lawlessness and self-indulgence. I wonder if [liberals] understand the intimate connection between violence on the streets and violence against unborn children?

"Crime and violence aren’t just social facts--they are moral realities. Moral problems can’t be addressed with external solutions such as gun control or condom distribution. They need internal remedies. Though we shy away from the subject these days, most decent people know in their hearts that the only solution to these moral problems is moral education. The basic principle of all moral education is respect for our moral faculty, i.e., the human capacity to act rationally, to discipline passion in order to prevent immoral consequences. Lawless ideas have lawless consequences."
Boston Globe, p. A23 Dec 17, 1999
Speaking at the Gun Owners of New Hampshire’s presidential forum, Keyes’ proposal that high school students be taught how to use guns went over well.
Alan Keyes, WorldNetDaily "Standing on principle" May 14, 1999
"The premise of the gun control agenda is that people can’t control things, but that things control people. At the root of the gun control agenda, as with the sex education agenda and so many other liberal agendas, is a denial of our moral nature. And that denial of our moral nature rests ultimately on a denial of the existence of God and of a relationship between God and human things. So the gun control agenda is a natural outcome of the agenda of godless materialism."

I really like these last two quotes in relation to each other. Because first he's all about how giving special attention to minorities is patronizing and how that it's harmful to them. But then, on the other hand, he's all about how Black males need "special attention" and how "Liberal policies" are not giving it to them. So, to paraphrase, a system that acknowledges the problems of a certain group and tries to level the playing field a bit is bad. But a system that acknowledges the problems of a certain group and tries to segregate them away from the general population is good. What a jackass! - T

Alan Keyes, 1/6/99 Jan 6, 1999
Preferential affirmative action patronizes American blacks, women, and others by presuming that they cannot succeed on their own. Preferential affirmative action does not advance civil rights in this country. It is merely another government patronage program that secures money and jobs for the few people who benefit from it, and breeds resentment in the many who do not. It divides us as a people.

Alan Keyes, Our Character, Our Future, p. 63-5 May 2, 1996
"The Detroit school system wanted to try the idea of all-male academies, aimed especially at young black males. A District Judge decided that this would discriminate against the city’s young females and struck down the idea. The judge should have shown some respect for the judgment of the people who live with the daily life-and-death crisis [of urban life].
Inner-city black males need special help and attention. Is it better to give it to them in all-male schools, or in the all-male prisons they now populate in disproportionate numbers?
[Liberals] supported the creation of a welfare state that helped to destroy the social infrastructure of the black community. Not they want to quash community-based efforts to correct their disastrous handiwork. This is wrong, stupid, and unfair. In Detroit and elsewhere, the dogmatic liberal judges and ideologues should get out of the way and let communities seek answers to their problems. Let the people go."