The Blue Line

Rattling on about the 2004 election

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Blogging from Boston: Day Three -- Free Bird!

I'm still not in Boston; I will be going there next month, however.  But I'm as exhausted as all the people you're seeing on TV. 

Having watched Edwards give his "two Americas" speech several times during the primaries, I thought the speech fell flat -- or at least that he wasn't as good as he can be.  But it raises the question of why he reprised the speech at all?  Does Edwards not have anything further or new to say at this point in the campaign?   It's not like people were yelling "Free Bird" when he came out on stage.  I wanted to hear something new, perhaps a recitation that put some heft on the "Strength at Home, Respect Abroad" theme.  It seems kind of lame and lazy for him to just give the same basic speech with a few references to Kerry wedged into it.

Maybe the speech played better to first time Edwards viewers. 

Here are a couple of takes on it: David Corn's, Jason Zengerle's, and Bill Saleton's.