The Blue Line

Rattling on about the 2004 election

Friday, July 30, 2004

Convention Recap

Still blogging...still not in Boston...

Kerry was good last night
I'm not a huge John Kerry fan -- scroll down if you don't believe me -- but I want to become one over the next 100 days, so the fourth night of the convention was a big deal to me. And I have to say that I thought Kerry gave an excellent speech. It hit the right themes, gave the audience some memorable lines and photo-op moments, and generally showed the guy to be both a real person and a more-than-plausible Commander-in-Chief. Nice job.

His daughters were excellent, hitting exactly the right notes, and the bio film was a good one, too.

I think most people who were really trying to take the measure of Kerry for the first time last night will say they came away impressed. We'll have to await the polls.

Interpreting the bounce will be a big post-convention story. Given the historically low number of undecideds and Kerry already being at 45% in the polls, there is little possibility of a double-digit bounce. If so, the Bush campaign will go into red light terror alert panic mode.

Edwards wasn't as good as he should have been on Wednesday
Why he gave a retread rather than a fresh and better speech is beyond me. At least he didn't overshadow Kerry, but there was no way he would have.

Obama shining
Since I've been supporting this guy for the Illinois U.S. Senate seat since he was an obscure no-name last year, I'm biased. And enough has been said about him already. It's time that we have a leader who is black rather than simply another black leader. The expectations are going to be tough to handle. See next entry.

A Deep Bench
It's hard to imagine that there's not a future president among Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Barack Obama.

Start to Finish it was a good convention. From the Carter, Gore, and Clinton speeches to Obama's to Edwards and Kerry's acceptance speech. Weak point was Teresa Heinz Kerry's speech, which was too long, in too good of a time slot (though no networks covered it), and too self-absorbed. (It must have been tough to grown up as part of the colonialist elite in Mozambique, then come to America to date and marry the heir to a catsup fortune. That's a classic coming-to-America immigrant story if I've ever heard one.)