The Blue Line

Rattling on about the 2004 election

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

What did Bremer ask for and when did he ask for it?

And in the news today, L.Paul Bremer, who was the first American administrator in Iraq after our catastrophic military success there, says we were short on troops for the occupation. Well, duh!

This from Matthew Yglesias today:

Paul Bremer says he asked the administration for more troops. The administration says he's lying. It's enough to make you wonder why Bush keeps hiring so many liars -- there's Bremer, his predecessor Jay Garner, Paul O'Neill, Richard Clarke, Rand Beers -- more than enough for a good trend piece. But of course as Atrios points out, Bremer isn't lying at all; the administration is.

As I said before, though, I've got no sympathy for Bremer. As Spencer Ackerman writes, Bremer was more than willing to go on national television and say he had plenty of troops when that's what Bush asked him to do. Frankly, it only clouds the case that the force was undersized to rely on the testimony of a weasel like Bremer. The evidence was -- and always has been -- perfectly clear on this point, Bremer's lame effort to revive his reputation notwithstanding.