The Blue Line

Rattling on about the 2004 election

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The final week bad from Iraq

from Jon

Here in the last week of the campaign it’s all bad news all the time about Iraq.

1. The massacre of the Iraqi security trainees
2. The missing 380 tons of high-powered explosives
3. Allawi blaming U.S.-led occupation forces for the massacre
4. Pentagon leaking plan to increase U.S. troops in Iraq by 22,000
5. Reports apparently from the Senate Appropriations Committee that Administration is going to ask for another $70 billion for Iraq.


It’s a litany of failures. Kerry has been hammering Bush for the explosives, but he ought to be talking about the entire list. In fact, the Administration’s spinning of the explosives story has been masterful, taking advantage of lame media coverage, even though I don’t think it has staved off all the damage.

See the excellent coverage here on the whole explosives story, the coverage of it, and the Bush spin.