The Blue Line

Rattling on about the 2004 election

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Did I mention before that Alan Keyes is completely insane?

Right after 9/11, Jerry Falwell claimed – more or less in agreement with the terrorists themselves – that God visited the murderous terrorist attack upon us because of our own moral depravity.

You remember the quote, delivered on The 700 Club with Pat Robertson sitting right beside him, head bobbling in agreement and grinning that kooky grin of his? Here it is:

"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians ... the A.C.L.U., People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America, I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen."

Falwell apologized, but blamed the outraged liberal media for taking his quote "out of context," even though that was the entire quote. Here are some possible contexts brought to you by the liberals at that perhaps the liberal media failed to take into account. Placing each possible context before or after Falwell's quote makes it much more understandable:

1. "...NOT."
2. "You know, I'm really high right now, so this may not make any sense, but..."
3. "Keeping in mind that today is Opposites Day, I emphasize that..."
4. "My son showed me this cool thing on Alta Vista, where you type something in English and then have the computer translate it into French and then into Spanish and then into German and then back to English-it's kinda like 'Telephone,' you know?-and something that made sense at the beginning will come out sounding like..."
5. "If an infinite number of monkeys typed on an infinite number of typewriters, one of them would write..."
6. "I want to take a break from the grim events of this week, and salute the brave people who've spent years making America a better and more tolerant place. Who's done this, who's helped this happen? Well, I'll tell you: ..."
7. "An insane man off camera is pointing a gun at my head and forcing me to read this statement. Quote,..."
8. "Please join me in praying that, in the wake of this horrific tragedy, Christ's message of peace will prevail, our entire country can unite in compassion, not aggression, and that no misguided person will state..."
9. "I truly believe that if Osama bin Laden had been born in America, right now he'd be saying..."

But I digress.
Alan Keyes, Illinois Republican candidate for U.S. Senate is still making this argument!

In a May 2004 speech, Keyes said:

"Now, you think it's a coincidence that on Sept. 11th, 2001, we were struck by terrorists an evil that has at its heart the disregard of innocent human life? We who have for several decades killed not thousands but scores of millions of our own children, in disregard of the principle of innocent human life -- I don't think that's a coincidence, I think that's a warning. I don't think that's a coincidence, I think that's a shot across the bow.

"I think that's a way of Providence telling us, "I love you all; I'd like to give you a chance. Wake up! Would you please wake up?"

Keyes refused to apologize for these remarks, thereby establishing himself as to the right of Jerry Falwell, telling Chicago Sun-Times reporters yesterday:

"What distinguishes the terrorist from the ordinary warrior, is that the terrorist will consciously target innocent human life. What is done in the course of an abortion? . . . Someone consciously targets innocent human life. "As I often point out to folks, the evil is the same. And that means, quite frankly, in fighting the war against terror, as I have often put it to audiences, the evil that we fight is but the shadow of the evil that we do."

That's Alan Keyes, folks, Conservative Nut-Job For Senate From Illinois, er, Maryland …wherever. Vote Republican!