The Blue Line

Rattling on about the 2004 election

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

All we are saying, is give Al a chance!

After one show, the So-Called Liberal Media jumped all over Al Franken. If you read the reviews, summarized in Slate, and written after the first show, you’d think the program was an utter disaster. The main compliant seemed to be that Franken hadn’t suddenly transformed himself into a fire-breathing lunatic of the left. Fire-breathing lunacy, the argument seems to be, is the key to right-wing radio’s success, so therefore it’s also the standard by which we’re to judge Franken.

Here’s what Jason Zengerle wrote in The New Republic:
“Even when he's ticking off all the reasons he thinks Bush is a dishonest, horrible president, he tends to do so in a discursive, analytical style--one that doesn't exactly grab hold of listeners and make them want to listen to more of his observations. Contrast that with Limbaugh, who sounds (and acts) like the voice of God on his program, and you can see how Franken's personal style might not be that effective.”

Come again? It seems to me that the last thing liberals want is someone who is a loud obnoxious self-righteous bully brow-beating the audience with simplistic bromides. Conservatives seem to like that crap, but liberals don’t. What liberals would like to have, however, is a place to tune in to hear someone articulate their side of things.

Anyway, imagine my surprise when I tuned in the last two days to “The O’Franken Factor.” I found it interesting, informative, and OK, I admit – analytical. It was also very funny. And don’t worry. Al Franken is still Al Franken.

For a list of radio stations carrying the show or to listen live on the Internet, click here for Air America Radio or here for the show's own site.