The Blue Line

Rattling on about the 2004 election

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Off the Campaign Trail with John Kerry

I apologize for the lack of entries lately. I’ve been hanging out with John Kerry, who seems to think that he deserves a snow-boarding vacation for winning the Democratic nomination. If Kerry isn’t going to bother campaigning, then I’m not going to blog about it.

And today we find that Kerry has had shoulder surgery and every hand he shakes from here on out will be painful, a nice recipe for sweetening his already charming demeanor, don’t you think?

Meanwhile, the Bush AMDs (ads of mass destruction) are driving up Kerry’s negatives, just as they are designed to do, defining Kerry as a flip-flopping liberal with poor judgment. According to today’s New York Times:
A USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll this week found the number of voters who view Mr. Kerry unfavorably had increased to 36 percent from 26 percent over the past five weeks, while the number of voters who called him "too liberal" jumped to 41 percent from 29 percent. A New York Times/CBS News Poll this month found that about 6 out of 10 registered voters believed that Mr. Kerry said what he wanted people to hear, rather than what he believed, suggesting some success by Mr. Bush in portraying Mr. Kerry as a flip-floppers.

On the other hand, there is a theory that perhaps it’s better for Kerry to stay off the campaign trail, for two reasons:
• So he won’t say things like, “I voted against the Iraq appropriation, but first I voted for it,” which should work well in a future Bush ad.
• So we can watch the Bushies squirm over the latest bad news on Iraq and the war on terror without it being tied too closely to campaign politics.